2013. március 7., csütörtök


The problem: High-heel shoes, especially pointy-toe styles. Heels can cause painful bunions and hammertoes, leading to painful and expensive surgery down the road. Not to mention that they are difficult to walk in, and can be a hazard when trying to run for a cab. The solution: Alternate your heels with flat shoes, at least when lots of walking is involved.

The problem: Constricting shapewear. To create the desired hourglass shape, the Lycra undergarments squeeze and sometimes even pinch. The tight garments can compress nerves, leading to pain and numbness, and they can even cause yeast infections (we refer you to number three). The solution: Wear shapewear sparingly.

The problem: Too-heavy earrings. Oversized earrings are inflicting damage on women's earlobes. Women are now undergoing reconstructive surgery to repair lobes that have suffered abuse due to doorknocker-size baubles. The solution: Try smaller earrings to give your lovely lobes a break.

 The problem: Skinny jeans. They can be difficult to get into, almost impossible to zip up and it turns out they can be dangerous, too. Urologist Karen Boyle told ABC that, "This disorder is called meralgia paresthetica; the disorder occurs when one of the nerves on the outer part of the thigh compresses and pressure on in causes symptoms of tingling and numbness and pain." The solution: Look for jeans with some stretch to them, and make sure to alternate your skinny jeans with more forgiving styles.

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